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is this game on demo and what date will release in full game?

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...also i like your game :)

edit: forgot to say it, when was demo released


Thank you! The demo was released about 10 days ago and the full game is still at least a few years away from being released.


i had troubeshooting of this error: DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine.


Another user in the comments has had a similar error… I think it has something to do with the engine I'm using. No clue how to fix it, I'm afraid.


This was an absolutely fantastic demo. The graphics are beautiful and stunning. I can't wait for the full release!


this is a MASTERPIEC


Really enjoyed the demo cant wait for the full release


This game was truly wonderful. I played this demo yesterday and filmed everything, and I was so impressed by every little detail. 

The character design is incredible (you play as a very cute little deer/rabbit kind of thing), the sound design is so well-thought out, and the visuals are stunning. There is such attention to detail that I can't believe it was made by one human. I cannot wait to play the full game when it comes out.

 Ivan, you're great. Keep fighting the good fight, brother.


This was downright awesome. The visuals are very nice and polished, the gameplay was really fluent, although a bit annoying in the marble kingdom ;-) The music and sounds were really good as well. I was also really pleasantly surprised by the sudden switch to a point-and-click adventure. Really, really good effort!

Only thing you might want to look into is the isometric platforming. It made the jumps etc. more tricky than it has to be. It was not so much the isometry for me, but the controls (direct direction instead of turning and going forward) and the fact that the camera does not turn when you face another side (goes in tandem with my previous remark). Made it a bit awkward to go 'down left' for instance.

GIven you've been doing this all by yourself makes it even more impressive.

Thank you, swoopie! :D Yeah, I'll be avoiding pseudo-isometric diagonal levels from now on. They're causing so many gameplay issues that the game is not worth the candle.


This was really well made and makes me curious for the full release.

I loved the aesthetics and the tone this conveys. This game is beautiful and already feels polished. I also think that the dialogue is really good and engaging. The campiness of the novel pages in contrast to the rest of the writing shows how much focus there is on storytelling in this game.

I don't know how much platforming is going to be part of the full release, but personally I really didn't like having to platform in an isometric perspective. Its very uncomfortable and now my hand hurts (using a D-Pad on a controller). 

Thank you! A D-pad though, ouch. The platforming will be a not insignificant part of the game, but it won't feature any more diagonally-structured challenges and will be more approachable in general. I want to give players more tools and ways to explore, but making a hard platformer game is not my priority.


Замечательная игра, Иван! Это невероятно чего сейчас может добиться один уверенный в себе человек. В демо есть все, чтобы сподвигнуть купить игру на ее релизе. 

Единственное к чему я не сразу привык - управление. Знаю, что игра поддерживает контроллер, но передвигаться в мраморном лабиринте удерживая комбо из клавиш не так удобно, как могло бы быть. Уверен дело не в изометрии, ибо помню игры с такой же камерой, где управление на WASD не составляло проблем. 

Также заметил, что Мэллори при прыжке может отскакивать от некоторых объектов (пока это лишь кровать), и надеюсь в будущем, когда окружение уже будет более наполненным, это не будет мешать. 

А так желаю тебе удачи в разработке и просто в жизни! Ты сделал мой день.

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Спасибо! Всегда рад сделать чей-нибудь день. :D

В будущем я собираюсь переделать вступление и избегать изометрических уровней как таковых, но если не составит трудности, можете поделиться какими-нибудь изометрическими играми, которые доставляли меньше дискомфорта? Все, кроме Bastion, что могу вспомнить я, дополнительно используют ввод мышкой.

Хотел уж было сказать Super Mario 3D World, но даже с такой перспективой там у игрока есть возможность менять угол камеры... хотя почему бы и нет! В Мэллори есть пару мест, где хочется посмотреть за стену есть ли там какой секрет. Да и платформинг станет гибче, если у игрока будет контроль над камерой. Пожалуй, это будет даже лучше, чем искоренять изометрические уровни из игры совсем, ибо они хорошо контрастируют с секциями вне сна!


I love the art style!

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This game is amazing! I enjoyed every second I played it! The detail put in this game is great! The game was so fun to play! I am a very big fan of puzzle games and platformers, and this was perfect for me! Keep up the good work! 

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I kept getting tongue-tied when trying to read the pages I So forgive the mispronunciations and general derp.

My brain also didn't want to use the controls properly at times so lot of jumping off the edge; I kept hitting the wrong combo of direction keys (lol). I'm not a game dev so I don't know if controller support would be feasible or not.

That aside, I absolutely loved this demo and want a full version. The story is intriguing, the writing is brilliant, the characters are adorable, the backgrounds/level design are neat, the sound is nice, and I like the addition of puzzles.

This is honestly fantastic and I can't believe it's being done by a one-man team. So cool; I can't wait for a full release.


Thank you, Lady Random! :) There actually is a controller support, but I'm not sure if every type of controller is supported at this moment. Did you use a DualShock gamepad, by any chance? I know at least one person who had trouble with it.

Actually, I was using a DualShock gamepad so that might be why. Thanks for letting me know!


This is a gem in the puzzle games realm. Captivating story, smooth and satisfying controls, very nice puzzles, and it's all tied together by perfectly paced gameplay. For those that enjoy puzzle platformer games, this is the one for you!

Thank you for an amazing video! :D Your delivery and production quality are top notch, I feel like you deserve a lot more subscribers. Thank you for a very heartfelt rating comment as well. I can already tell that it will be one of those reviews that I come back to whenever I'm down in the dumps :)


Whatever you do, don't let anything stop you from making games! You're amazing at what you do, and I'll be along for the ride waiting for anything you come out with!

Thanks for the kind words by the way!! :D


I LOVED THIS GAME, i lost track on how many deaths i had hahaha but was a fun game, can i ask a Q- what computer software did you use for this game as i would loved it give something like this a go, keep up the good work and defo giving you a follow 

Thank you! Sure, my software list isn't particularly a secret :) The engine is Unreal Engine 4 and I use Blender, Substance Painter and Substance Designer for 3D and Photoshop for 2D.


Thank you for getting back intouch with me, keep up the good work. cant wait to see what you have next


i lowe it so much


Cute and fun, crazy to see it was made by one person


Played this yesterday with my younger brother who's in middle school. I'm someone who plays all types of games and especially love ones in this style so I enjoyed it a lot and hold a lot of love for Mallory's character. On the other hand, my brother is more of an action kind of guy but to my surprise, he also enjoyed the game a lot.

The only thing he said was that there was too much dialogue at the end but he's young and doesn't care much for plot right now so I'm not surprised. I personally love where this story is heading. I'm not sure if you're looking for feedback or not but I would like to add that I also loved the puzzles and would love to see more puzzle-like aspects incorporated into the game. Can't wait to play the final result!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Some dialogues in chapter two could be a little more concise than they currently are, so maybe your brother has a point. And sure enough, there will be plenty of puzzles to solve in the final game! :D

Can't wait!




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great jobs

Sadly am unable to run this because I get a "DX11 feature level 10.0 is requires to run the engine" error message. I have the required 10.0 support, graphics card is as updated as possible, and not even using the roundabout way to switching to highly intensive GPU mode (cause Windows decided that instead of an option on the right click menu, it's now going to be an 8 step process) and still nothing : /

Weird. I've never seen this kind of error before, even with my measly GTX 1050. Wish I had any kind of computer know-how to help! Do other Unreal Engine 4 games run on your PC? Do you have any other graphics cards in your PC that could mistakenly try to run the game?

I've not really been able to try out many UE4 games on here. As to the graphics card, it appears to be an internal one, whose details are so difficult to find out that I just never did it. Because it's just listed as "internal graphics card", or a variation thereof, it's been a bit since I went over the system detailsa again.

It's also the only one, I have on here. No idea what else to do here, as the card seems to be as updated as it will possibly get, and whatever few drivers weren't updated, I recently did update in relation to what I fault was faulty software but which just turned out to be an LG mouse I'Ve had for over 12 years finally giving up the ghost.

The fixes for this which I did look up just don't work, the only one I haven't tried is to reinstall the Runtime Environment but I just downloaded it so I don't think that'd help. Sorry with being a bit vague in spots, am not really able to double check this atm as I'm doing some work that needs to be got out of the way first.

I wish there was something I could do to help you out, but I truly do not know enough about these things to assist you with this problem :(


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed it, the visuals were very cool and the sound effects were neat as well, I liked the puzzles, and the part near the end was interesting too, good work :)

Thank you, Stella! :)


I love this game. It's so sleek, polished looking, atmoshphere is amazing and the character super charming! The controls are a bit tight but that can be mastered. Fits the little legs anyway. Awaiting the full experience!

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I really like the vibe, and the marble look is so simple but satisfying. I also got some Night in the Woods vibez but in a good way. The platforming takes some time to get used to, and I find it weird that I have to controll everything with a left hand, maybe put moving to the arrows? or allow rebinding of keys. It's a minor thing but it would be better I think. 

And I really like the random pages and narrative interruptions. It could be something great! Keep up the good work, and hope you can finish it, developing it alone must be a lot!

Thank you! It's a lot of work, but also quite a lot of fun, so I don't mind. :) I'll make sure to include key rebinding in the next playable Mallory story I'll share. It seems to be a very requested feature.


This is a solo project? This is awesome. I can't wait to see/hear more about this thing, it seems so neat.


Yup! This demo will be followed by a long drought of playable content (because I am indeed a one man team with a day job), but I'm glad it got people interested! Thank you :)


The game's nice and had a great style as well. I kinda wish I could rebind my buttons. But besides that, game's really interesting.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thank you! Key remapping is very important, and I'll make sure it's in the final release :)


I love the audio that is playing on chapter 1, it is soooo soothing, btw awesome work. It looks like the style of Night in the woods but in 3D and black n white scenario. try to complete the full game as soon as possible if ya can. it is amazing well done!!

Wish I could take credit for that audio, it was just a sound I grabbed from a free library. It is a neat one though. I'll try my best to finish it, thank you! :)

I was wondering on what the audio is called if you don't mind me asking, I'm just saying this because I would place it on my games (which aren't out)


Sure! :) It's under «Drone, Void, Static 6» in the Soundly app.

Do you know when the full game will be released

In a few years, if everything goes right.

when i run the game it was still didn't run the game.can say what is the problem?

Are you running it on a 64-bit Windows system? Does it display any messages?

it still my desktop

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I'm not sure I understand what kind of problem you're having. Do other UE4 games work fine on your PC? Do you have a VR headset plugged in, by any chance?


I've been looking forward to this! It's really good, I'm at a loss for words :^)

Thank you! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


An marvelous and beautiful work, with some sort of "Night in the woods" vibe (maybe because of character's design) . Wish you success in development and already wish to play full game. 

NITW is one of my all time favorite games and has been one of the main inspirations behind Mallory! Thanks for your wishes :)

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Awesome concept. Love the atmosphere and the themes the story seem to be hinting at. Would love to see where this goes in a fully-fledged game.

Here's a silent playthrough of the entire demo. Cheers.

Appreciate it, thank you :)


I can't wait to see where the story will take us next. A very intriguing and unique setting and I enjoyed the many layers of storytelling. Great work, Ivan!

Thanks, Andis! :D


Good game! Love the dark atmosphere, the puzzles was fun, graphics quality are well done. It's good so far.

Thank you! :D


What a fun and interesting game!

What I liked most was the unique art-style and environment!

The graphics were really good, and so was the use and quality of audio. 

The game mechanics were fine, but sometimes it was hard to determine depth, however you got used to it eventually!

The story was really good, although short (it is a demo after all)! although, sometimes the talking was dragged out a little and slowed the peace of the game significantly. I would whish the relationship with the cat would have been introduced a little more dynamically and fluid. My immersion slowly faded as I had to read just a little too much.

But overall a fantastic game! Good job!


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Thank you for the feedback! :) I'll try to address your issues in the future.


Without a doubt an excellent game. I really liked the puzzles, and the plot seems to be quite intriguing. I can't wait for the full and finished version of the game. Kudos to you.

Thank you! :O And kudos for making a playthrough video. I didn't think anyone would make it so quickly, haha.


that was cool! Really like art style and writing, excited to see what happens next!


Thanks! I'm glad that you liked it! :D

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